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Beast Index - Alphabetic |
The alphabet bands allow you to jump to the first item sorted under the letter you click. These links will take you to web-pages, so make sure you are connected to the Internet. For an article about Bestiary Beasts on Romanesque arches, click here. This index includes all of the beasts found in Bestiaries and the Physiologus, as well as some from other sources. It does not include beasts from non-European sources unless those animals are the basis of Bestiary, Physiologus, or other Western beast legends. Many Bestiary beasts had no fixed name; different sources often used slightly or radically different names for the same animal. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y | ||
Agate | Stone | Can be used to find pearls. |
Alerion | Bird | A bird the colour of fire, with razor-sharp wings. |
Amethyst | Stone | |
Amphisbæna | Beast | A serpent with two heads, one at either end. |
Ant | Insect | Ants harvest grain to store for the winter. |
Antelope | Beast | An animal so wild no hunter can approach it. |
Ant-lion | Beast | The offspring of an ant and a lion. |
Ape | Beast | Called "simia" because it is similar to humans. |
Asp | Serpent | Blocks its ear with its tail so as not to hear the charmer. |
Ass | Beast | An animal that is slow and resists commands. |
B A C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Badger | Beast | A dirty beast that bites. |
Barnacle Goose | Bird | A bird that initially grows from barnacles. |
Basilisk | Serpent | Its odour, voice and even look can kill. |
Bat | Bird | A bird that gives birth to living young. |
Bear | Beast | The cubs are born unformed, and must be licked into shape by the mother. |
Beaver | Beast | Hunted for its testicles, it castrates itself to escape from the hunter. |
Bee | Insect | Bees are the smallest of birds, and are born from the bodies of oxen. |
Beryl | Stone | |
Bittern | Bird | A bird that makes a booming noise. |
Blackbird | Bird | An agreeable bird that sings in April and May. |
Boa | Serpent | An enormous snake, found in Italy, that feeds on cattle. |
Boar (Wild) | Beast | A savage wild pig or hog . |
Bonnacon | Beast | A beast like a bull, that uses its dung as a weapon. |
Bull | Beast | The Indian bull is tawny- coloured and swift as a bird. |
C A B D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Caladrius | Beast | A bird which can tell if a sick man will die, and can cure disease. |
Camel | Beast | Camels can endure thirst for three days and prefer to drink muddy water. |
Carbuncle | Stone | When it is held against the sun it resembles a burning coal. |
Cat | Beast | An animal that is hostile to mice. |
Catoblepas | Beast | A beast with a head so heavy it can only look down. |
Centaur(ess) | Beast | A beast whose upper part is human, and whose lower part is horse. |
Cerastes | Serpent | An exceptionally flexible serpent with horns. |
Chalcedony | Stone | |
Chrysolite | Stone | |
Chrysoprase | Stone | |
Cinnamologus | Bird | An Arabian bird that makes its nest from the fruits of the cinnamon tree. |
Cock | Bird | The cock is a bird that can tell time. |
Coot | Bird | An intelligent bird that stays in one place. |
Crane | Bird | At night cranes take turns keeping watch for enemies. |
Cricket | Insect | A creature that likes to sing, forgetting all else. |
Crocodile | Beast | A beast that weeps after eating a human. |
Crow | Bird | A long-lived bird that foretells the future. |
Cuckoo | Bird | A weak bird that travels on the backs of kites. |
D A B C E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Diamond | Stone | If a diamond is kept in a house, demons cannot enter. |
Dipsa | Serpent | A snake so poisionous that its bite kills before it is felt. |
Dog | Beast | A young dog bound to a patient cures internal wounds. |
Dolphin | Fish | Dolphins gather in schools at the sound of music. |
Dove | Bird | There is meaning in the various colors of doves. |
Dragon | Serpent | The greatest of all serpents on earth. |
Dromedary | Beast | The dromedary is a small camel that can travel a hundred Roman miles a day. |
Duck | Bird | The ducks of Pontus feed on the poison in the sea. |
E A B C D F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Eagle | Bird | A bird with eyes so strong it can look directly into the sun. |
Echeneis | Fish | This fish clings to ships and holds them back. |
Elephant | Beast | Persian and Indian soldiers build wooden towers on the back of elephants and fight from there. |
F A B C D E G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Falcon | Bird | |
Fire stones | Stone | Stones that burst into flames when brought close together. |
Fish | Fish | The number of species of fish is uncountable. |
Fox | Beast | A crafty and deceitful animal that never runs in a straight line. |
Frog | Serpent | Land frogs die if exposed to rain. |
G A B C D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Giraffe (Cameleopard) | Beast | A beast that looks like a camel but has the spots of a leopard. |
Goat | Beast | An animal that likes to live on high mountains. |
Goose | Bird | Geese can smell the odour of man better than any other animal can. |
Griffin | Beast | A beast with the
body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle, The eastern form is known as a Senmurv and has the head of a dog or wolf, |
H A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Hare | Beast | A timid beast that runs fast , |
Harpy | Bird | |
Hawk | Bird | The hawk has great courage in a small body, |
Hedgehog | Beast | A beast that carries away grapes on its sharp spines. |
He-goat | Beast | A beast so hot that its blood dissolves diamond. |
Hercinia | Bird | A bird with brightly glowing feathers. |
Heron | Bird | A bird wise above all others. |
Hoopoe | Bird | The young care for their elderly parents. |
Horse | Beast | A horse is a horse, of course, of course... |
Hydros | Serpent | A water snake that makes those bitten swell up. |
Hydrus | Serpent | The enemy of the crocodile, which it kills from the inside. |
Hyæna | Beast | A beast that eats human corpses and changes sex. |
I A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Ibex | Beast | A beast with horns so strong they can save it from a fall. |
Ibis | Bird | The dirtiest of birds because it feeds on corpses. |
Ichneumon | Serpent | Another enemy of the dragon. |
Indian stone | Stone | A stone that can cure the illness called dropsy. |
J A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Jaculus | Serpent | A flying serpent. |
Jay | Bird | A very noisy bird. |
K A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Kingfisher | Bird | A bird that calms sea storms. |
Kite | Bird | A rapacious bird that feeds on carrion. |
L A B C D E F G H I J K M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Lamb | Beast | The lamb knows its own mother by her voice. |
Leontophone | Beast | A small beast that is deadly to lions. |
Leopard | Beast | The offspring of a lion and a pard. |
Leucrota | Beast | A composite beast with a mouth that stretches from ear to ear. |
Lion | Beast | The lion is the king of the beasts. |
Lizard | Bird | When the lizard goes blind, it looks to the rising sun. |
Lynx | Beast | The urine of the lynx hardens into a precious stone. |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Magnet | Stone | |
Magpie | Bird | The magpie has a voice which can enunciate words. |
Mandrake | Plant | A plant with human-shaped roots, that shrieks when it is pulled from the earth. Latterly, the result of a hanged man's sperm falling on the ground. |
Manticore | Beast | A composite beast with a man's face, a lion's body, and the stinger of a scorpion |
Mermaid | Fish | A creature half woman, half fish. The male is a merman. |
Mole | Beast | A blind animal that lives in the earth. |
Monocerus (see also Unicorn) | Beast | A fierce beast with a single long horn. |
Mouse | Beast | A small animal that is born from the soil. |
Muscaliet | Beast | A beast with the body of a hare, tail of a squirrel, teeth of a boar. |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Newt | Serpent | A lizard with spots like stars on its back. |
Nightingale | Bird | A bird that that sings so enthusiastically that it almost dies. |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Onager | Beast | A wild ass that can predict the coming of the equinox. |
Onocentaur | Beast | A beast with the upper body of a man and the lower body of an ass. |
Orphan Bird | Bird | The mother bird knows which of her eggs contain the best offspring. |
Ostrich | Bird | A bird that can digest anything, even iron, but is careless of its eggs. |
Owl | Bird | The owl is a dirty bird that prefers darkness to light. |
Ox | Beast | The ox is a strong beast that can predict the weather. |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Panther | Beast | A gentle, multicolored beast whose only enemy is the dragon. |
Parandrus | Beast | A beast that can conceal itself by changing its appearance. |
Pard | Beast | A swift and deadly beast that kills with a single leap. |
Parrot | Bird | A talking bird with a very hard beak. |
Partridge | Bird | A deceitful bird that steals other birds' eggs. |
Peacock | Bird | A bird with a terrible voice and flesh too hard to cook. |
Pearl | Stone | Pearls are produced by a stone called an oyster. |
Pegasus | Beast | |
Pelican | Bird | A bird that revives its dead young with its own blood. |
Peridexion tree | Plant | A tree in India that attracts doves and repels dragons. |
Phoenix | Bird | A bird that rises anew from the ashes of its funeral pyre. |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Quail | Bird | Quails cannot be eaten, because they feed on poisonous seeds. |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q S T U V W Y Top | ||
Rabbit | Beast | A small wild beast hunted by dogs. |
Ram | Beast | Rams were the first animals to be sacrificed on altars. |
Raven | Bird | The raven will not accept its young until their feathers turn black. |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R T U V W Y Top | ||
Salamander | Serpent | Salamanders are so cold they can extinguish any fire . |
Sapphire | Stone | |
Sard | Stone | |
Sardonyx | Stone | |
Sawfish | Fish | The sawfish has enormous wings and likes to race against ships. |
Scitalis | Serpent | A serpent with such a marvellous appearance that it stuns the viewer. |
Scorpion | Insect | The scorpion is a worm that stings with its tail. |
Sea-pig | Fish | Sea-pigs dig up the ground under water. |
Senmurv | Beast | An eastern type of Griffin with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the head of a dog or wolf. |
Seps | Serpent | The poison of the seps consumes both body and bones. |
Sheep | Beast | The sheep is a defenseless, placid animal. |
Siren | Bird | A deadly creature, half human, half bird or fish. |
Smaragdus | Stone | |
Snake | Serpent | The snake crawls with hidden steps. |
Sphinx | Beast | The riddle-utterer. |
Spider | Insect | The spider is an aerial worm that takes its nourishment from the air. |
Stag | Beast | A drink made from the tears and the heart bones of a stag is a cure for troubles of the heart. |
Stork | Bird | Two crows lead flocks of storks when they cross the sea to Asia. |
Swallow | Bird | The swallow deserts buildings that are about to collapse. |
Swan | Bird | The swan sings most sweetly just before it dies. |
Swordfish | Fish | A fish with a pointed beak it uses to sink ships. |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S U V W Y Top | ||
Tiger | Beast | Tigers are remarkable for their strength and speed. |
Titmouse | Bird | A bird that is curoius about other birds. |
Topaz | Stone | |
Torpedo | Fish | A fish whose touch numbs the strongest arms and swiftest feet. |
Turtledove | Bird | A bird that always remains faithful to its mate. |
U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W Y Top | ||
Unicorn | Beast | The unicorn is a fierce beast that can only be captured by a maiden. |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W Y Top | ||
Viper | Serpent | The young of the viper eat their way out of their mother's side. |
Vulture | Bird | The vulture is a slow-flying bird that eats corpses. |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Top | ||
Weasel | Beast | The weasel conceives at the mouth and gives birth through the ear. |
Wether | Beast | The wether is named from the worms in its head. |
Whale | Fish | Sailors mistake the whale for an island. |
Wolf | Beast | If a wolf sees a man before the man sees the wolf, the man will lose his voice. |
Woodpecker | Bird | No spike can remain in a tree where a woodpecker nests. |
Worm | Serpent | Worms are born from flesh without intercourse. |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Top | ||
Yale | Beast | A beast with flexible horns that it can move at will. |
![]() A Senmurv confronts a human-headed lion at Arles-sur-Tech (Pyrénées-Orientales)
Amazing winged and wolf-headed
serpents with long, similarly-headed tongues |