Agüero (Huesca)
A variation of the theme at Puypéroux:
here two apocalyptic birds are pecking out the brains of the megaphallic male.
The fine doorway to this church has excellent and excellently-preserved carvings.
A lintel corbel on the right-hand side shows a concupiscent woman being devoured
by a hellish beast
(compare Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val).
It is possible that her vagina has at some time in the past been filled in
with cement.
On the left-hand side of the doorway are scenes involving musicians and 'lewd'
dancers, one of them probably Salome.
Not far from Agüero, right beside the main road, is
the little church of Concilio.
It has an interesting corbel-table featuring beasts and musicians,
which I photographed in 2011, not long before I was outrageously treated by